Fletton Quays

Client Peterborough Investment Partnership, Peterborough City Council, Bride Hall Developments, Bowmer and Kirkland & Weston Homes
Portfolio Commercial
Category Ground Up Building
Size 871,877 SF (81,000 SM)
Location Peterborough, UK
Date 2020

Working with city council and various high profile developers, NORR is transforming 20 acres of largely vacant and derelict land on the south bank of the Nene River in Peterborough, UK, into Fletton Quays, a massive mixed-use development. Our master plan for this $150 million USD (£120 million) commercial project re-energizes a neglected corner of the city.

The riverfront is being opened up once again with 175,000 square feet (16,258 square meters) of office space, a prestigious 160-bed hotel, five multi-story residential apartment blocks and a 412-space multi-story car park. The plans include converting an old mill on the property into a cultural and arts center, we have created a dedicated wildlife area and provided public walkways and leisure facilities for pedestrians and cyclists. The team carefully incorporated sightlines to the city’s magnificent 900-year old Cathedral, famous for being the final resting place of Henry the Eight’s first wife. In addition to design services, NORR is providing knowledge in flood mitigation, ecological impacts, historical conservation and complex legalities. The ultimate goal of this important, multi-layered project is to help the city thrive and expand.

Client Peterborough Investment Partnership, Peterborough City Council, Bride Hall Developments, Bowmer and Kirkland & Weston Homes
Portfolio Commercial
Category Ground Up Building
Size 871,877 SF (81,000 SM)
Location Peterborough, UK
Date 2020


  • 2019 The Planning Award, Best Use of Heritage in Placemaking (Multiple Buildings) – Highly Commended
  • 2018 Winner of Partnership Working at The Planning Awards

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