Architectural programming requires attention to detail, big-picture thinking and sound decision making. When it comes to combining all three skills, Amy has it covered. Since joining NORR in 2007, Amy has applied her passion for the fundamental aspects of architecture and design to the Retail, Hospitality and Restaurant sectors with incredible success. Her experience with programming and remodeling for major brands such as CVS Health, RH and Amazon, exemplify her abilities to meet the financial and time-sensitive objectives of clients.
As Director of Operations for our Hospitality, Industrial and Retail sectors, Amy manages a multi-disciplinary team of architects, engineers and designers in a fast-paced work environment. Her strong leadership is invaluable to mentor team members and implement the processes and procedures that make teams, projects and clients successful. Amy believes that in order for a building to operate efficiently, the team that designs it must as well.
Amy also puts her energy to use outside of the office, where she hits the pavement for long runs. She applies the lesson of “when you have a good run, you want to go again” to the projects and teams she leads every day at NORR.